Google Scholar profile
Peer-reviewed articles
*mentored undergraduate co-author for course-based research
MacPherson, M., Burgio, K.R., DeSaix, M.G., Freeman, B.G., Herbert, J., Herman, R., Jirinec, V., Shonfield, J., Slager, D.L., van Rees, C.B., and J.E. Jankowski. 2025. An introduction to predictive distribution modelling for conservation to encourage novel perspectives. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 48.1 [preprint]
Zuidema, C., Bi, J., Burnham, D., Carmona, N., Gassett, A.J., Slager, D.L., Schumacher, C., Austin, E., Seto, E., Szpiro, A.A., and L. Sheppard. 2024. Leveraging low-cost sensors to predict nitrogen dioxide for epidemiologic exposure assessment. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
Blanco, M.N., Gassett, A., Gould, T., Doubleday, A., Slager, D.L., Austin, E., Seto, E., Larson, T., Marshall, J., and L. Sheppard. 2022. Characterization of annual average traffic-related air pollution concentrations in the greater Seattle area from a year-long mobile monitoring campaign. Environmental Science and Technology 56:11460–11472 [preprint]
Booth, H.*, Yruretagoyena, L.*, Kuruvilla, M.*, and D.L. Slager. 2021. On the marine feeding behavior and activity budgets of Belted Kingfishers (Megaceryle alcyon) during the post-fledging period. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133:291-295
Theobald, E.L., Hill, M.J., Tran, E., Agrawal, S., Arroyo, E.N., Behling, S., Chambwe, N., Cintrón, D.L., Cooper, J.D., Dunster, G., Grummer, J.A., Hennessey, K., Hsiao, J., Iranon, N., Jones, L. II, Jordt, H.L., Keller, M., Lacey, M.E., Littlefield, C.E., Lowe, A.T., Newman, S., Okolo, V., Olroyd, S.L., Peecook, B.R., Pickett, S.B., Slager, D.L., Caviedes-Solis, I.W., Stanchak, K.E., Sundaravardan, V., Valdebenito, C., Williams, C.R., Zinsli, K., and S. Freeman. 2020. Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering and math. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:6476-6483
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Ha, R.R., Rohwer, S., Wood, C., Van Hemert, C., and J. Klicka. 2020. Cryptic and extensive hybridization between ancient lineages of American crows. Molecular Ecology 29:956-969 [preprint]
Slager, D.L. 2019. Seasonal and directional dispersal behavior in an ongoing dove invasion. Journal of Avian Biology 2020:e02332 [preprint]
Battey, C.J., Linck, E.B., Epperly, K.L., French, C., Slager, D.L., Sykes, P.W. Jr., and J. Klicka. 2018. A migratory divide in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). The American Naturalist 191:259-268 [preprint]
Slager, D.L., Rodewald, P.G., and P.J. Heglund. 2015. Experimental effects of habitat type on the movement ecology and stopover duration of spring migrant Northern Waterthrushes (Parkesia noveboracensis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:1809-1819
Slager, D.L. and P.G. Rodewald. 2015. Disjunct nocturnal roosting by a Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) during migratory stopover. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:109-114
Slager, D.L. and J. Klicka. 2014. Polyphyly of Hylophilus and a new genus for the Tawny-crowned Greenlet (Aves: Passeriformes: Vireonidae). Zootaxa 3884:194-196
Slager, D.L., Battey, C.J., Bryson, R.W. Jr., Voelker, G. and J. Klicka. 2014. A multilocus phylogeny of a major New World avian radiation: The Vireonidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 80:95-104
Slager, D.L. and J. Klicka. 2014. A new genus for the American Tree Sparrow (Aves: Passeriformes: Passerellidae). Zootaxa 3821:398-400
Slager, D.L., McDermott, M.E., and A.D. Rodewald. 2012. Kleptoparasitism of nesting material from a Red-faced Spinetail (Cranioleuca erythrops) nest site. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:812-815
Bush, S.E., Harbison, C.W., Slager, D.L., Peterson, A.T., Price, R.D., and D.H. Clayton. 2009. Geographic Variation in the Community Structure of Lice on Western Scrub-Jays. Journal of Parasitology 95:10-13
Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L., and J. McCormac. 2016. The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania 578 pp
Miscellaneous publications
Ottenburghs, J. and D. L. Slager. 2020. How common is avian hybridization on an individual level? Evolution 74:1228-1229
Slager, D.L. 2020. Genomic and morphological analysis of an American crow hybrid zone. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Slager, D.L. 2011. Movement ecology and stopover duration of Northern Waterthrush and Yellow-rumped Warbler during spring migration along the Upper Mississippi River. Master’s Thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Preston, R.L., Clifford, R.J., Thompson, J.A., Slager, D.L., Petersen, C.W., and G.W. Kidder. 2004. CFTR mRNA expression in developing Fundulus heteroclitus embryos. Bulletin of the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 43:25-27
Taxonomic proposals submitted to avian checklist authorities
Slager, D.L. 2022. Invited commentary on 2022-A-1: Reinstate Northwestern Crow Corvus caurinus as a species. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2020. Treat Northwestern Crow Corvus caurinus as conspecific with American Crow C. brachyrhynchos. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. and T. Chesser. 2017. Revise the generic classification and linear sequence of Anas. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2017. Transfer Blue-gray Noddy Procelsterna cerulea to the genus Anous. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2016. Revise the linear sequence of Vireonidae. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2016. Revise the generic classification of 3 species of Hylophilus: resurrect Pachysylvia and recognize Tunchiornis. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2015. Transfer American Tree Sparrow Spizella arborea to Spizelloides. American Ornithological Society North American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2014. Revise the linear sequence of Vireonidae. American Ornithological Society South American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2014. Resurrect Vireosylva for the eye-lined vireo clade. American Ornithological Society South American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2014. Change the English names of the greenlets. American Ornithological Society South American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2014. Revise the generic classification of 6 species of Hylophilus: resurrect Pachysylvia and recognize Tunchiornis. American Ornithological Society South American Classification Committee
Slager, D.L. 2014. Transfer Hylophilus sclateri to Vireo and change English name to Tepui Vireo. American Ornithological Society South American Classification Committee
Invited presentations
Slager, D.L. 2017. Unlocking the genomes of museum specimens to address longstanding questions in avian biology. Thompson Hall Science and Mathematics Seminar, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington (talk)
Symposium presentations
Slager, D.L. 2020. Aggregate citizen science field notes reveal seasonal and directional dispersal flights in Eurasian Collared-Doves. Symposium: Predicting bird distributions under global change. North American Ornithological Conference VII, virtual (talk)
Contributed presentations
Slager, D.L.. 2024. What I learned resurrecting an R package. Posit Conference, Seattle, Washington (talk)
Slager, D.L., Van Doren, B., Fuentes, M., Plunkett, E., Farnsworth, A., Fink, D., Sheldon, D., Dokter, A. 2023. BirdFlow: Inferring migratory routes and connectivity from range-wide relative abundance data. American Ornithological Society Conference, London, Ontario, Canada (talk)
Slager, D.L. 2019. Seasonal and directional dispersal behavior in an ongoing dove invasion. American Ornithological Society Conference, Anchorage, Alaska (talk)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Klicka, J. 2018. Characterizing hybridization between Northwestern and American Crows using genetic data from 150 years of museum specimens. International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (poster)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Klicka, J. 2018. Characterizing hybridization between Northwestern and American Crows using genetic data from 150 years of museum specimens. American Ornithological Society Conference, Tucson, Arizona (talk)
Slager, D.L. 2017. Genomic insights into the evolutionary history of the Northwestern Crow. British Ornithologists’ Union Twitter Conference #BOU17TC (twitter presentation)
Slager, D.L. 2017. Genomic insights into the evolutionary history of the Northwestern Crow. FHL Seminar, University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs, Friday Harbor, Washington (talk)
Battey, C.J., Linck, E.B., Epperly, K.L., French, C., Slager, D.L., Sykes, P.W. Jr., Klicka, J. 2017. A migratory divide in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Graduate Student Talks, Gothic, Colorado (talk)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Ha, R.R., Rohwer, S., Van Hemert, C., and J. Klicka. 2017. Genomic insights into the evolutionary history of the Northwestern Crow. Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists Joint Meeting (Evolution 2017), Portland, Oregon (talk)
Battey, C.J., Linck, E.B., Epperly, K.L., French, C., Slager, D.L., Sykes, P.W. Jr., Klicka, J. 2017. A migratory divide in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists Joint Meeting (Evolution 2017), Portland, Oregon (poster)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Ha, R.R., Rohwer, S., Van Hemert, C., and J. Klicka. 2017. Counting crows: a genomic look inside Seattle’s taxonomic black box. 14th Annual Biology Graduate Student Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (talk)
Olmstead, R.G., Lu-Irving, P., Frost, L. and D.L. Slager. 2016. Patterns of interior continental disjunctions, examples from Lamiales, and an exploration of possible mechanisms. Botany 2016 Conference, Savannah, Georgia (talk)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Rohwer, S. and J. Klicka. 2015. A phylogenomic assessment of introgression and species limits in the American/Northwestern Crow complex. Wilson Ornithological Society, Association of Field Ornithologists, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists Joint Meeting, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada (talk; best student talk award)
Slager, D.L., Epperly, K.L., Rohwer, S. and J. Klicka. 2015. A phylogenomic assessment of introgression and species limits in the American/Northwestern Crow complex. Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists Joint Meeting (Evolution 2015), Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil (talk)
Slager, D.L., Battey, C.J., Bryson, R.W. Jr., Voelker, G., and J. Klicka. 2014. A multilocus phylogeny of a major New World radiation: The Vireonidae. American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists Joint Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado (talk; session moderator)
Battey, C.J., Slager, D.L., Bryson, R.W. Jr., and J. Klicka. 2014. Paraphyly and migration in the Red-eyed Vireo superspecies. American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists Joint Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado (talk)
Slager, D.L. 2014. A molecular phylogeny of the Vireos: New World colonization, basal diversification, and cryptic diversity. 11th Annual Biology Graduate Student Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (talk)
Slager, D.L., Rodewald, P.G., and P.J. Heglund. 2012. Habitat-dependent stopover duration in the Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis). 5th North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (talk)
Slager, D.L., Rodewald, P.G., and P.J. Heglund. 2011. Stopover duration and departure decisions of Northern Waterthrush and Yellow-rumped Warbler during spring migration. American Ornithologists’ Union Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida (talk)
Slager, D.L., Rodewald, P.G., and P.J. Heglund. 2011. Movement ecology of Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis) during spring migratory stopover. Association of Field Ornithologists/Cooper Ornithological Society/Wilson Ornithological Society Joint Meeting, Kearney, Nebraska (talk)
Slager, D.L., Rodewald, P.G., and P.J. Heglund. 2010. Movements and habitat use of Northern Waterthrushes and Yellow-rumped Warblers during spring migratory stopover along the Upper Mississippi River. American Ornithologists’ Union Annual Conference, San Diego, California (poster)
Slager, D.L., Harbison, C.W., and D.H. Clayton. 2004. Fans, flies, and hitchiking lice: The importance of phoresis in population dynamics. University of Utah Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah (poster)
Preston, R.L., Clifford, R.J., Thompson, J.A., Slager, D.L., Petersen, C.W. and G.W. Kidder. 2003. Changes in apparent CFTR mRNA expression in developing killifish oocytes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, Louisiana (poster)
Species accounts in Birds of the World
*mentored undergraduate co-author for course-based research
Nielsen, B.L.* and D.L. Slager. 2019. Volcano Junco (Junco vulcani), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Smith, C.* and D.L. Slager. 2016. Striped Sparrow (Oriturus superciliosus), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Quick, D.R.* and D.L. Slager. 2015. White-browed Brushfinch (Arremon torquatus), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Voelker, K.N.* and D.L. Slager. 2015. Olive Finch (Arremon castaneiceps), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Murray, D.S.* and D.L. Slager. 2015. Jamaican Vireo (Vireo modestus), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Kim, H.J. and D.L. Slager. 2015. Zapata Sparrow (Torreornis inexpectata), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Olsen, D.G.* and D.L. Slager. 2015. Golden-winged Sparrow (Arremon schlegeli), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Gunningham, H.R.* and D.L. Slager. 2015. Saffron-billed Sparrow (Arremon flavirostris), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Slager, D.L. 2011. Rufous-naped Greenlet (Hylophilus semibrunneus), version 1.0. In T.S. Schulenberg, ed. Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
Species accounts in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio
Slager, D.L. 2016. Gadwall (Anas strepera) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 70-71 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 78-79 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 80-81 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Great Egret (Ardea alba) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 116-117 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 126-127 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 140-141 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinicus) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 160-161 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 166-167 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 172-173 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 182-183 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 204-205 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 214-215 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 224-225 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 232-233 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 258-259 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 276-277 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Purple Martin (Progne subis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 284-285 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 294-295 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 306-307 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 308-309 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 312-313 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 330-331 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 342-343 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 350-351 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 364-365 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 372-373 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 402-403 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Vesper Sparrow (Poocetes gramineus) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 408-409 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 412-413 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania
Slager, D.L. 2016. Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) in Rodewald, P.G., Shumar, M.B., Boone, A.T., Slager, D.L. and J. McCormac, eds. pp. 450-451 in The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Penn State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania